We have fun, we move fast

To get in touch with the friendly and open minded community of Photon users, you can:

  • subscribe to the mailing list: , to subscribe, just send an email with Hello in the body to the list and follow the instructions. The Photon list archives are available too.
  • join the #photonproject IRC channel on the freenode servers.

Development Process

The Photon code base is small, well tested and easy to understand as without magic, complicated class inheritance, interfaces, etc. This means that you can start hacking into it really fast, this also means we, as core developers, can easily evaluate the quality of your work. At the end, this means that our policy is:

If you submit a patch which is good to be applied as it is on the current develop branch, you are granted write access to the repository.

Yes, we are very liberal in giving write access to the repository and this works very well. We use gitflow to work with git and the project is hosted in an Indefero forge.