By Loïc d'Anterroches,, 25th of February, 2011

Application Data Storage

Photon does not inforce a given storage engine. We like MongoDB, but you can use any storage you like, from RAM to text files, through whatever RDBMS or NoSQL system you want. Here are the principles you should follow in your application to follow the Photon storage principles.

Accept That Not Everybody Like Your Storage System

This is maybe the hardest one. When you are comfortable with a storage system, you tend to see all the nice things you can do with but not the issues related to it. You know how to write your code to take maximum benefits of your storage system and to avoid the pain points. But for other people, the pain points can be stoppers, for example, they may not have the hardware to simply run your system. So do not write an application which requires a given storage.

It is very easy to have a single and efficient level of abstraction to allow anybody to write their own storage engine.

For example, suppose you want to store log information for your application, you can have a simple class with the methods:

class Storage
     public function store($timestamp, $category, $data);
     public function retrieve($criteria);

Then, in your application, you just load your storage:

use photon\config\Container as Conf;
$class = Conf::f('myapp_storage', 'myapp\storage\Storage');
$store = new $class();

by default, it is sane and use your class, which may use only SQLite or MongoDB, but you give the opportunity for your users to write their own storage by exposing a simple API. It is also very practical for unit testing.

Photon Storages

By default in Photon, this rules is always inforced and we try to always provide two storage implementations with SQLite and MongoDB. This way, you have examples following two different paradigms, RDBMS storage and document oriented.

The default storage implementation is MongoDB, that is, the implementation if you but nothing in your configuration file. The configuration keys follow a standard approach: photon_sessions_storage, photon_abtesting_storage, etc.